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Sunday, July 8, 2012

Sunday Musings - Last Week's Reflections

On a golf course in Southern Norway
On a golf course in southern Norway. Key word for this week? Reflection.
This past week was certainly a week of opposites for me, but in a good way. Monday I woke up feeling worn out and tired, but by Monday afternoon I felt revved up and ready to take on the world. Tuesday I woke up really missing my family and Wednesday with it being Fourth of July and all, I felt secure & happy again. I'm not the world's biggest patriot, but Fourth of July to me always means family & BBQ! Happy days man, happy days. 

Wednesday also brought on feelings of contentment as it dawned on me how far I've come in my journey from when I last lived in the U.S. As of last week, it's been 7.5 years since I left the U.S. for Europe and in another few weeks it will have been 6 years since the first time I came to visit Norway. There's been loads of reflecting going on this week and several things to keep on top of or plan/organize for the coming weeks. So what's been going on this last week to keep me so busy? 


1. I've been eagerly awaiting the results from my two last MBA modules - both of which I need to pass in order to get my MBA next March. I got the results from the Marketing Through Social Media module on Thursday though-and guess what? I passed the module with distinction marks (this is the highest mark aka grade one can receive on a module aka class in the UK)! Yippie! One down and one to go.

2. I paid my second to last tuition installment this week too, which wasn't stressful - simply expensive! While I know the last 3 1/2 years of studying has changed me in a positive way and will open doors for me professionally, it's certainly not the cheapest route to take to get to said point. I am not complaining, but dolling out tens of thousands of kroners twice in 3 weeks makes me a bit jumpy.

3. Trying to find a middle ground between my blogger + school ambitions. Why read articles for my Dissertation when I could be filming test videos for my YouTube channel or testing out Karema's Chilean empanada recipe again? I can balance both, but finding that balance is proving to be tougher than I thought it would be.

5. And the biggest of all? Getting ready for my MOM (!!!!!!!!!) to come to Norway for the first time in a few weeks. I know I haven't mentioned this yet but yes, she is coming here all the way from the West Coast of the US in a few weeks. This wasn't "stressful" per se, but one wants to be prepared for a visitor, right? This has meant planning activities, deep cleaning my apartment and getting all those little things done (like putting up photos) which I never seemed to get around to when I moved into my apartment over a year ago. But, I will get there-or I won't. Her visit will be good nonetheless-and I am really looking forward to it.

What about you? What are your reflections from this past week? Any milestones you've passed? Special events you've been planning?

This post is for non-commercial, personal use only. Copyright ©2012 by Whitney @ Thanks For The Food.
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1 comment:

  1. Wow - you're making it, though, and I'm so glad that your mom is coming to visit you! How awesome!

    Day after tomorrow we'll be in Puerto Rico, looking for houses. Certainly presents us with a radical shift from having lived in Scotland for 5 years!

    Looking forward to hearing more about your mom's visit!
